
All films

Radar 3

Teatro Principal

Length: 70m 10s

Farpões, baldios

Barbs, wastelands

Marta Mateus

  • 2017
  • 25:02
  • Portugal
  • DOC, FIC
  • COL

After the Carnation Revolution the peasants in the Alentejo region occupied the huge proprieties where they were once submitted to the power of their masters. The protagonists of this film, resistants of this struggle, tell their story to the youngsters of today, in their own words.

Spanish prermiere

Cidade pequena

Small city

Diogo Costa Amarante

  • 2016
  • 19:02
  • Portugal
  • DOC, FIC

One day, the child Frederico learns from his teacher that bodies are made up of a head, trunk and limbs and that people die when their hearts stop. That night, he can’t sleep. He wakes his mother up several times throughout the night and complains he has a pain in his chest.

Galician premiere



Prantik Basu

  • 2017
  • 26:06
  • India
  • FIC, EXP
  • B/W

Near Mogulmari in the south of West-Bengal in India lies a mountain known locally as Sakhisona. The stories about it are still sung by local musicians. A dig nearby recently uncovered the remains of a monastery as well as 6th-century objects. The film shows the objects unearthed and re-enacts the stories and folklore.


Galician premiere