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Alberto García-Alix

Alberto García-Alix is a compassionate dark-side chronicler who maps out the underground (in its broadest definition) to portray the heartbeat of the humanity that lives there, releasing them from oblivion and marginality.

Curtocircuíto 2017 highlights two of his most important audiovisual pieces in his cinematographic work and program, which are not only added features but also spin-offs of his photographic work where perfect balance is found between sensitivity and harshness.

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Alberto García-Alix

This screening will be attended by Alberto García-Alix.

Teatro Principal

Length: 60m 00s

De donde no se vuelve

From where there is no return

Alberto García-Alix

  • 2008
  • 40:00
  • Spain
  • DOC
  • B/W

Through his own voice and from a subjective present, Alberto García-Alix reflects on his past and on his photography. An “infinite monologue” through which Alix brings us closer to his most intimate and poetic side, a journey to the memory between the present and the past of his work and, therefore, his own biography.

Un horizonte falso

A false horizon

Alberto García-Alix

  • 2015
  • 20:00
  • Spain
  • DOC
  • B/W

For three years (2012-2015), García-Alix created a photographic fable, a story of eighty images to deconstruct reality, and bring us closer to a dream world, his own invented universe, a false horizon.